One of, if not the most viral Madden highlight of all time turns a milestone ten years old today, April 18th, 2020. A video uploaded on YouTube by Demetry Jones in which Packers’ receiver Greg Jennings burnt the Saints’ defense on just one leg and ‘PUT THE TEAM ON HIS BACK, DOE’. The play seems somewhat routine in a modern Madden exhibition, but what made the video go viral was the play-by-play commentary from Jones.
Warning: Video Contains Strong Language (NSFW):
Even a decade later, you can bet money that Madden fans still lose it they hear the inevitable “Darren Sharper, one of the hardest hitting safety in the league … but I put the team on my back though, YOU CAN’T STOP ME!”
At the time, this was easily one of the most popular sports videos watched on the internet, as the presence of viral video hadn’t really found its way to platforms such as Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat. The video is iconic in the sports video game world and has been something that has followed Jones (and Jennings, who makes routine appearances on sports network FS1) ever since.
While we are still in a world without sports due to the quarantining forced by coronavirus, we sports fans should continuously be trying to appreciate the OGs of the video game world while aspiring to have our own viral internet moment one day as well. Just think…if Darren Sharper makes that tackle before the ball crosses the plane of the goal line…our entire world would be completely different.